Initialize listener for a new CoAP resource. Once a CoAP resource is added, incoming requests will resolve futures retrieved through nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request(). There should never be more than one listener for the same combination of method and pathSegments. The following resources and all their sub-resources are reserved by Nabto:
- {“p2p”, NULL}
- {“tcp-tunnels”, NULL}
- {“iam”, NULL}
nabto_device_coap_init_listener(NabtoDevice* device,
NabtoDeviceListener* listener,
NabtoDeviceCoapMethod method,
const char** pathSegments)
- [in] The device
- [in] The listener to initialize as CoAP.
- [in] The CoAP method for which to handle requests
- [in] The CoAP path segments of the resource. The array of segments is a NULL terminated array of null terminated strings. The familiar notation for rest resources
becomes the array{"thermostat", "state", NULL }
Parameters can be defined by using the syntax{<parameter>}
. E.g.{"iam","users","{id}",NULL}
: if underlying structure could not be allocatedNABTO_DEVICE_EC_INVALID_ARGUMENT
: on invalid pathSegment parameter
#include <nabto/nabto_device.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Configuration parameters
// The product ID, device ID, and server URL picked here are not
// configured in the Nabto Basestation. Therefore, the basestation
// will reject the device when it attempts to attach to the
// basestation. This example will still work if the client is able to
// discover the device on the local network. Alternatively, replace
// these values with valid values from the Nabto Cloud Console. The
// private Key is set to NULL, this causes this code to generate a new
// private key (see function "start_device"). If the device should be able to attach
// to the basestation, the private key here should be set to a valid
// private key, and the fingerprint of the key must be configured in
// the Nabto Cloud Console.
const char* productId = "pr-abcd1234";
const char* deviceId = "de-efgh5678";
const char* serverUrl = "";
char* privateKey = NULL;
// CoAP endpoint data
const char* coapPath[] = { "hello-world", NULL };
const char* helloWorld = "Hello world";
// State variable
bool readyToStop = false;
// Helper functions
bool start_device(NabtoDevice* device);
void handle_device_error(NabtoDevice* d, NabtoDeviceListener* l, NabtoDeviceFuture* f, char* msg);
void do_important_work();
void handle_coap_request(NabtoDeviceCoapRequest* request);
void request_callback(NabtoDeviceFuture* fut, NabtoDeviceError ec, void* data);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
NabtoDeviceError ec;
// First allocate a new device
NabtoDevice* device = nabto_device_new();
if (device == NULL) {
handle_device_error(NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to allocate device"); return -1;
// We have to configure a few things before starting the device,
// so we make a function not to clutter the example.
if (!start_device(device)) {
handle_device_error(device, NULL, NULL, "Failed to start device"); return -1;
// We need a listener to handle incoming CoAP requests. First we
// allocate one.
NabtoDeviceListener* listener = nabto_device_listener_new(device);
if (listener == NULL) {
handle_device_error(device, NULL, NULL, "Failed to allocate listener"); return -1;
// Then we initialize it for CoAP requests for our hello world
// path. The listener is now locked for this purpose only, and we
// must not reuse it in other listener initialization calls.
ec = nabto_device_coap_init_listener(device, listener, NABTO_DEVICE_COAP_GET, coapPath);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
handle_device_error(device, listener, NULL, "CoAP listener initialization failed"); return -1;
// Now that our listener is listening for CoAP requests, we need a
// future so we can query the listener for CoAP requests. First
// the future must be allocated.
NabtoDeviceFuture* future = nabto_device_future_new(device);
if (future == NULL) {
handle_device_error(device, listener, NULL, "Failed to allocate future"); return -1;
// This CoAP request pointer will be our reference to incoming
// requests.
NabtoDeviceCoapRequest* request;
// example 1: blocking wait future approach
// Query the listener for a new coap request. This call cannot
// fail as any failures will be reported through resolving the
// future.
nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request(listener, future, &request);
// We wait for the future to resolve. Since we are now in our own
// thread, blocking is ok.
ec = nabto_device_future_wait(future);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
handle_device_error(device, listener, future, "Failed to get new CoAP request"); return -1;
// Now that wait has returned, the future is resolved. This means
// request now points to the received request. We will handle a
// few requests, so the request is handled in a seperate function.
// example 2: poll future approach
// Now the future is resolved and ready to be reused, and we are
// done using the request reference. This means we can now query
// the listener for a new CoAP request. If another request has
// arrived while we were processing the previous request, the
// listener will resolve the future in the next cycle of the Nabto
// core thread. Otherwise, the future resolves when the next
// request arrives.
nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request(listener, future, &request);
// By polling the future we can continue to do other stuff, and
// not worry about the concurrency issues of callback functions.
while (nabto_device_future_ready(future) == NABTO_DEVICE_EC_FUTURE_NOT_RESOLVED) {
// The future is now resolved. If OK, we can respond to the new request.
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
handle_device_error(device, listener, future, "Failed to get new CoAP request"); return -1;
// example 3: call back future approach
// Again the future is resolved and the request pointer is freed,
// so we can reuse.
nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request(listener, future, &request);
// We set a callback on the future to be called when the future
// resolves. The callback will be invoked on the Nabto core
// thread, so to be able to handle the request in our callback, we
// pass the request reference as context for our callback.
nabto_device_future_set_callback(future, &request_callback, request);
// On second thought we don't wanna do this anymore. Let's stop
// everything and exit. First we stop the listener. Stopping can
// only return OK, so we ignore return value.
// Stopping the device directly here would also work as that would
// block untill all futures are resolved. However, we want to
// showcase listeners, so we wait for the future callback to tell
// us it is okay to free the listener.
while (!readyToStop) {
// We close the device before stopping to nicely close outstanding
// connections. It is okay to reuse futures for new purposes and
// since we know our future to be resolved, we reuse it to close.
nabto_device_close(device, future);
// If the core takes too long to close we get impatient and stop
// it.
ec = nabto_device_future_timed_wait(future, 200);
// we got a timeout, and the future is not resolved.
// since the future may not be resolved here, stop the device
// before freeing the future. Stop blocks until it is okay to free
// everything.
void handle_coap_request(NabtoDeviceCoapRequest* request)
// We do not expect a payload in this request, so we simply build
// a response for the client. First we set the status code and
// content format. These can only return NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK, so we
// ignore the return value.
nabto_device_coap_response_set_code(request, 205);
nabto_device_coap_response_set_content_format(request, NABTO_DEVICE_COAP_CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8);
// Setting the payload can fail if CoAP cannot allocate memory.
NabtoDeviceError ec = nabto_device_coap_response_set_payload(request, helloWorld, strlen(helloWorld));
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
// On failures, we make an appropriate response for the
// client. Since set_payload could not allocate memory, we do
// not provide a message, as this function would likely also
// not be able to allocate memory for the message. If this
// call fails, we will give up trying respond nicely, so the
// return value can be ignored.
nabto_device_coap_error_response(request, 500, NULL);
} else {
// send response to the client.
printf("Responded to CoAP request\n");
// The response is most likely not sent yet, however, freeing the
// request lets the core know we are ready for the request to be
// freed. The core will not actually free the request before it
// too is ready for the request to be freed.
// Now that we have released our ownership of the request, we are
// free to reuse the pointer for the next request.
void request_callback(NabtoDeviceFuture* fut, NabtoDeviceError ec, void* data)
// data is the request pointer we provided as context, let's cast
// it.
NabtoDeviceCoapRequest* req = (NabtoDeviceCoapRequest*)data;
// We expected this as we stopped the listener
} else if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
// An unexpected error occurred
} else {
// We unexpectedly received a CoAP request before we stopped
// the listener. We must handle it. When freeing the request
// directly, the core will send a generic error response to
// the client.
printf("Got unexpected CoAP request. Freeing makes auto-reply\n");
// we did not get our expected error code. We can query the
// listener again, which will give us a new callback with the
// error code set. Our context only contains the request, so
// we do not have access to the listener here and will,
// therefore, not query the listener
// nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request(listener, fut, &req);
// nabto_device_future_set_callback(future, &request_callback, data);
// We cannot get a sencond unexpected request as this only
// happened because the future was scheduled to be resolved
// during the `nabto_device_listener_new_coap_request()`
// call. When the listener is stopped, any additional requests
// in the listeners queue will have been cancelled.
// Now that we are sure the listener does not have any outstanding
// futures, we can signal our main thread that it is now okay to
// free the listener.
// We are now in a new thread! so we must be carefull not to
// create concurrency issues. We simply switch a boolean, so
// hopefully it is okay to access the shared memory without safe
// guards.
readyToStop = true;
bool start_device(NabtoDevice* device)
NabtoDeviceError ec;
char* fp;
// If a private key was set in the top, use that. Otherwise we
// create one. The fingerprint of the device must be registered in
// the Nabto basestation before it is able to attach.
if (!privateKey) {
ec = nabto_device_create_private_key(device, &privateKey);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_set_private_key(device, privateKey);
} else {
ec = nabto_device_set_private_key(device, privateKey);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_set_product_id(device, productId);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_set_device_id(device, deviceId);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_set_server_url(device, serverUrl);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_enable_mdns(device);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_set_log_std_out_callback(device);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_start(device);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
ec = nabto_device_get_device_fingerprint_hex(device, &fp);
if (ec != NABTO_DEVICE_EC_OK) {
return false;
printf("Device: %s.%s Started with fingerprint: %s", productId, deviceId, fp);
return true;
void do_important_work()
#ifdef _WIN32
usleep(100*1000); /* sleep for 100 milliSeconds */
void handle_device_error(NabtoDevice* d, NabtoDeviceListener* l, NabtoDeviceFuture* f, char* msg)
if (d) {
// if we already have a future we reuse for device close.
if (!f) {
f = nabto_device_future_new(d);
nabto_device_close(d, f);
// we are now after device_stop(). Even if we had some unresolved
// future or unstopped listener, they cannot be invoked, and it is
// okay to free.
if (f) {
if (l) {