Error Responses

When an error occurs, the Nabto Cloud API returns a response with status code 400 or above. All error responses contains a JSON formatted body detailing the error. This can be used to destinquish different errors with the same status code.

The error object is uses the following format:

  error: {
    type: string,
    message: string

The type string is a static string suitable for programatical handling. The message string is a human readable string detailing the error.

Error types

Status codeerror typedescription
400invalid_request_errorA parameter in the request was not properly formatted
400syntax_errorThere was a syntax error in the request
400validation_errorA parameter did not use a valid format
401authentication_errorThe provided API Key was not valid
401mfa_required_errorThe API key must be MFA authorized
403forbiddenThe API key does not have access to the requested ressource
403organization_quota_exceededThe Organization reached its limit of the ressource
403organization_owner_removalRemoval of the organization owner was requested
403device_quota_exceededThe max number of devices allowed for the ressource has been reached.
403access_denied_insufficient_permissionsThe API key does not have sufficient persmissions to perform the request
404invalid_request_errorThe requested ressource does not exist
409invalid_request_errorThe ressource already exist
500api_errorAn internal error happend in the API backend