

Get underlying error code on remote channel. Possible remote channel error code are:

  • NOT_ATTACHED: If the target remote device is not attached to the basestation (the device is offline).
  • TIMEOUT: If a timeout occured when connecting to the basestation.
  • FORBIDDEN: If the basestation request is rejected.
  • TOKEN_REJECTED: If the basestation rejected based on an invalid SCT or JWT.
  • DNS: If the server URL failed to resolve.
  • UNKNOWN_SERVER_KEY: If the provided server key was not known by the basestation.
  • UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_ID: If the provided product ID was not known by the basestation.
  • UNKNOWN_DEVICE_ID: If the provided device ID was not known by the basestation.
  • NONE: If remote relay was not enabled.
  • OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS: if the opening of the channel is still in progress.
  • INVALID_STATE: if required options are missing for the remote connection
  • CONNECTION_REFUSED: if the client could not connect to the basestation.


Int32 GetRemoteChannelErrorCode()


the remote channel error code