Example of a Moderate Complexity Integration Module

struct np_dns_functions

The Nabto platform relies on DNS to resolve hostnames to ip addresses. This functionality is supplied to Nabto via the struct np_dns structure. Just like the np_timestamp structure, the module consists of a pointer to possible userdata and a pointer to a function list providing needed DNS functionallity.

All in all, the two important structs looks like this:

struct np_dns {
    const struct np_dns_functions* vptr;
    // Pointer to implementation specific data.
    void* data;

struct np_dns_functions {
     * Resolve ipv4 addresses for the host name.
     * The completion event shall be resolved when the dns resolution
     * has either failed or succeeded.
     * @param obj  Dns implemetation object.
     * @param host  The host to resolve.
     * @param ips  The array to store the resolved ips in.
     * @param ipsSize  The size of the ips array.
     * @param ipsResolved  The number of ips put in the the ips array.
     * @param completionEvent  The completion event.
    void (*async_resolve_v4)(struct np_dns* obj, const char* host, struct np_ip_address* ips, size_t ipsSize, size_t* ipsResolved, struct np_completion_event* completionEvent);

     * Resolve ipv6 addresses for the host name.
     * The completion event shall be resolved when the dns resolution
     * has either failed or succeeded.
     * @param obj  Dns implementation object.
     * @param host  The host to resolve.
     * @param ips  The array to store the resolved ips in.
     * @param ipsSize  The size of the ips array.
     * @param ipsResolved  The number of ips put in the the ips array.
     * @param completionEvent  The completion event.
    void (*async_resolve_v6)(struct np_dns* obj, const char* host, struct np_ip_address* ips, size_t ipsSize, size_t* ipsResolved, struct np_completion_event* completionEvent);


Basically two functions above are doing somewhat the same: Lookup a hostname (char* host) and return the resolved ip addresses in a given array (struct np_ip_address* ips) of a given size (size_t ipsSize ie. the maximal ip adresses that can be returned in the array) and return the number of resolved addresses (size_t* ipsResolved).

So far so good, not much different than the timestamp interface. But since getting a timestamp is a local operation that generally is fast and non blocking and that the Nabto platform has to guarantee not to be blocking the system, the timestamp interface doesn’t need more specification.

The initialization etc. is not described here as it is the same as timestamp.

The important difference to the timestamp implementation is the np_completion_event and async notation. Since DNS resolving can be a blocking function with possible very long timeouts special care needs to be taken. This is done via an async pattern using completion events. For the integrator, the only important function is the np_completion_event_resolve :

 * Resolve a completion event.
 * The completion event is resolved from the internal event queue.
 * @param completionEvent  The completion event to resolve.
 * @param ec  The error code
void np_completion_event_resolve(struct np_completion_event* completionEvent, np_error_code ec);

The semantics of async functions is that they are called with a specific request (hostname and array to return resolved ip addresses) and the function can then start an asynchronous operation and return the execution thread back to the platform. But once the function has computed the result of the request, the contract is that the function calls resolve function on the given np_completion_event.

To implement this on Linux, requires special care since the resolving of hostnames is a blocking operation. Therefore a producer/consumer pattern is used by which an “asynchronous” consumer thread (ie. it is not in sync with the caller thread) is consuming (hostname,resultarray,np_completion_events) from a queue and the caller thread is the producer of (hostnames,resultarray,np_completion_events) to this same queue. Once the consumer has resolved a hostname, the solved adresses is entered into the resultarray and the np_completion_event_resolve function is called with completion_event informing the platform that the result is now ready. This document will not go deeper into the decription of the Linux implementation, but the implementation can be found in modules/dns/unix/nm_unix_dns.c.

Instead an example of integration with the ESP32 LWIP DNS is given here. This example can be found in the github repository nabto5-esp-eye and in the source file: common_components/nabto_device/src/esp32_dns.c

Both the v4 and v6 resolve function will use the same generic function with nearly identical function signatures except it has a u8_t family parameter that informs the function which IP type (v4 or v6) it needs to resolve.

struct nm_dns_resolve_event {

    struct np_ip_address* ips;
    size_t ipsSize;
    size_t* ipsResolved;
    const char* host;
    u8_t family;
    struct np_completion_event* completionEvent;

void esp32_async_resolve(struct np_dns_resolver* resolver, u8_t family, const char* host, struct np_ip_address* ips, size_t ipsSize, s
ize_t* ipsResolved, struct np_completion_event* completionEvent)

    NABTO_LOG_TRACE(LOG, "esp_async_resolve:%s", host);
    if (resolver->stopped) {
        np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_STOPPED);
    struct nm_dns_resolve_event* event = calloc(1,sizeof(struct nm_dns_resolve_event));
    event->host = host;
    event->ips = ips;
    event->ipsSize = ipsSize;
    event->ipsResolved = ipsResolved;
    event->completionEvent = completionEvent;
    event->family = family;

    ip_addr_t addr;
    err_t status = dns_gethostbyname(host, &addr, esp32_dns_resolve_cb, event);
    if (status == ERR_OK) {
        *ipsResolved = 0;

        // callback is not going to be called.
        if(family == LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4) {
            memcpy(ips[0].ip.v4, &addr.u_addr.ip4.addr, 4);
            *ipsResolved = 1;
        np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_OK);

    }  else if (status == ERR_INPROGRESS) {
        // callback will be called.
    } else {
        np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_UNKNOWN);

The function uses an utility struct (nm_dns_resolve_event) which basically records the function parameters set. Once this is done, the function will try to resolve the given hostname by calling dns_gethostbyname(host, &addr, esp32_dns_resolve_cb, event); which on ESP32 either returns the answer straight away (because the answer has already been resolved and is located in the ESP32 DNS cache) or will return with an answer that it will start the operation and once the hostname is resolved it will call the given callback (with the supplied argument, which in the implementation is the event).

In event of a fast return with the resolved hostname, the function is simple, copy the address to the result array, free the event struct and call np_completion_event_resolve with the given completion event as argument. If the resolve happens via the callback, it is a little more (but not much) complicated. The callback looks something like this:

void esp32_dns_resolve_cb(const char* name, const ip_addr_t* ipaddr, void* userData)
    struct nm_dns_resolve_event* event = userData;

    struct np_ip_address* ips = event->ips;
    struct np_completion_event* completionEvent = event->completionEvent;

    NABTO_LOG_TRACE(LOG, "esp_async_resolve callback recieved");

    if (ipaddr == NULL) {
        NABTO_LOG_TRACE(LOG, "esp_async_resolve callback - no adresses found");
        np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_UNKNOWN);

    } else {
        if(event->family == LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4) {
            NABTO_LOG_TRACE(LOG, "esp_async_resolve callback - found: %s",ipaddr_ntoa(ipaddr));
            memcpy(ips[0].ip.v4, &ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr, 4);
            *event->ipsResolved = 1;
            np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_OK);
    *event->ipsResolved = 0;
    np_completion_event_resolve(completionEvent, NABTO_EC_UNKNOWN);


The utility event struct is given as argument to the callback. The resolved address is copied to the result array pointed to inside the event, the event is deallocated and the completionevent is resolved.